Monday, January 31, 2011

Network (1976)

So i finally saw this movie.  it's been a long time coming.  what a great depressing movie.  I'm glad that movies like this were made, because it shows how things went down the shitter.  it's a great movie, well written, well acted, and very prescient into how tv and culture were going.  i assume it seemed way over the top when it first screened, but now it's pretty stinkin close to home.  i would recomend anyone watch this movie.  it is well done, entertaining, and educational.  if you liked the social network, you will like network.

Restrepo (2010)

Garret sugested i check this movie out.  then i saw it was nominated for an oscar so i decided to watch it.  Damn it was good, the film maker hung out with B company for 15 months.  They came into the Korengal valley to make some changes.  It almost seems like a real life paths of glory.  and this point is punctuated by the fact that at the end of the movie they say that in 2010 the U.S. pulled out of the valley.  all those deaths for nothing.  it's tragic.  the part that was the hardest for me to watch was when the bombing happend and all the civilians were hurt.  i think that everyone should watch this movie. it is terrific, honest and fairly unbiased.  i think that it should win the oscar for documentary.

Exit thru the gift shop (2010)

I enjoyed this movie, but i didn't quite get it. I could tell Banksy was talking shit about someone, presumably the art world and the commercialization of what he holds dear.  Basicly it starts out about this guy theiry pronounced Terry.  anyway he films some of his friends doing street art, and wants to meet Banksy because he's the best.  They end up meeting up, and his movie is crap,  Banksy suggests Theiry start making his own art, he does, and it's lame.  then end.  hmmm i didn't love it.  i don't think it will win an oscar.

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (2009)

This third installment in the Millenium Trilogy was my favorite.  I didn't really like all the rape in the first one and i thought the second one was kinda boring.  This one was really entertaining.  Annika Hallin was really good as lisbeth's lawyer.  All the cast were pretty good.  The story is tied up neatly and it has a more or less happy ending.   Lisbeth is in the hospital, then she goes to jail and to trial, all the while mikel is trying to help her.  and the bad guys are trying to stop them and eventually try to kill them.  I would recomend watching this if you have seen the other movies.  and if you haven't seen them you might as well.  they aren't great but, theres worse ways to spend some time.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Miracle (2004)

I freaking love this movie.  yeah it's kinda cheesy and you know how it's gonna end, but man Mike Rich can write a sports movie.  and as a hockey fan this is one of only a handful.  Yeah Slapshot is better, and yeah Youngblood is cheesier, and yeah Canada/Russia 72, is a little more fun but this movie is great.  Kurt Russell is great and i think that Patricia Clarkson's fine performance is often overlooked.  It's a shame that Herb Brooks passed away before he could see the finished product i think he would be really happy about it.

Winters Bone (2010)

This movie is about a kid who takes care of her two children and mom. Its a hard life but, they make due. Then the law comes and tells her that her dad is out of jail, and that if he doesn't show to court they will loose the house, because he put it up for bail. So now she has to find him so that they don't loose the house, and any sort of life they had. This is a really good movie. John Hawkes who is my favorite character actor of late. He is really good as Teardrop, and doesn't look out of place in the mountains. Apparently this movie was nominated for lots of Oscars and i can see why it is really well directed, and very good. Lets just say i'll never look at a canoe and a chainsaw the same way. Holy shit the production designer, deserves an oscar! what a great movie.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Toy Story 3 (2010)

So i have seen the other two movies in this franchise, granted when they were in the theater so it had been a while. and i heard that this one was the best one. I don't think it was that much better. It wasn't worse though either and that's saying something. The movie is cute and makes you kinda sad about growing up. especially if you grew up playing with toys. my favorite part was when the girl had a totoro toy that came to life, however he didn't talk i was bummed out about that. over all if you've seen the other ones and you have a couple hours to kill why not check it out. other wise it's not that great, and you should feel free to skip it. The evil bad guy care bear was kinda funny though, big baby was creepy, and so was "not gay, i just like clothes" Ken.